2024 Fall Sheep & Goat Tag Order

2024 Sheep & Goat LATE Tag Order

August 24 - October 4 Please submit the quantity of tags below. This form does not allow payments. Invoice will be sent separately on instructions on how to submit payment.

Family Last Name(Required)
Livestock Housing Address(Required)
Family Mailing Address(Required)

Tag Order

Family Validation is allowed: Please list all potential exhibitors. Tags are valid for 2024-2025 State Fair & Heart O' Texas Shows. There are TWO Tag Ordering & Validation periods for Sheep and Goat.
4-H Club/ FFA Chapter(Required)
Please select club/chapter your member plans to show under for the 2024-2025 year.
Indicate Zero (0) for no order
Price: $30.00
Indicate Zero (0) for no order
Price: $30.00
Indicate Zero (0) for no order
Price: $30.00
Indicate Zero (0) for no order
Price: $30.00
Payment Method(Required)
Please await your invoice to submit payment. Invoice with details on how to submit payment will be emailed within 1-2 business days. Invoice must be received or postmarked within 2 business days of receiving your invoice. Your order is not complete until payment has been received in FULL. Failure to submit payment will result in tags not being ordered. Refunds will not be given.


You will receive your ordered tags at validation. Validation will occur October 19th. Location has not been set at this time. The Extension Office will communicate with families when a date and location has been set. Please check your email for a confirmation email that will provide additional information about what to expect for Validation and how to submit payment.

To Make Changes to Order

If you need to make any changes to your order, please reach out to Extension Office (512) 393-2120 | hays-tx@tamu.edu.

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