Only EVENT REGISTERED 4-H members will be excused for competitive 4-H events only.
4-H Members will only be excused from check-in to release dates, based on each show’s posted schedule, for each event they are REGISTERED for
Extension Office will be responsible for all Extracurricular Absences & Eligibility Requests for:
All District 10 / State 4-H Events
Hays County Livestock Show
Major Shows (Fort Worth | San Angelo | San Antonio | Houston | Austin | Elite)
Horse Shows- County Show (sponsored by Hays County 4-H)
*If a 4-H member will be competing in a 4-H sponsored event, outside of our usual list, please reach out to the Extension Office with proof of 4-H member registration, dates needed and the Extension Staff will send a request to the school*
*Students will not be excused for validation dates*
According to UIL guidelines, students must be academically eligible to participate in extracurricular events.
This would mean the student will need to be passing as of the grading period (report card) prior to the event
Extension Office will make 2 attempts to retrieve eligibility and provide attendance excusals with the school
After 2 attempts, it is the parent’s/ 4-Her’s responsibility to ensure that 4-H member has be accurately excused
Requests are typically sent from the Extension Office to schools 4-6 weeks prior to the show.
The Hays County Extension Office will submit eligibility and absence request automatically for the below, do NOT send an Extracurricular Absence Notice
Heart O’ Texas, State Fair, Fort Worth, San Angelo Livestock Show, Elite Showcase, San Antonio Livestock Show, Houston Livestock Show, Rodeo Austin
All District 10 and State 4-H Events
Hays County Livestock Show and Expo
4-H Sponsored Events- Not listed
Extracurricular Absence Request
Complete Form
Attain proper proof
Email no later than two weeks before event to hays-tx@tamu.edu
**Understand that your submission is a request and no way a bidding agreement of absence approval, approval is subject to agent and school**
Hays County Horse Point Show- Eligibility Form
**Parents please complete the Horse Point Show Eligibility Form with your child’s school and submit at Each Point Show Registration **