Turfgrass Selection for Texas- Ecological Turf Tips
- Texas Turf Grasses
- Warm- Season Species
- Bermuda
- Strengths: Drought and Heat Tolerance | Deep Rooting Potential | Durability | Rapid Establishment Rate | Low Disease Potential
- Weaknesses: Shade Tolerance | Frequent Mowing Requirement | Moderate to High Fertilization
- Best Grown: Majority of Texas – Recommended for Central Texas, especially in Urban Environments
- Buffalo Grass
- Strengths: Drought and Cold Tolerance | Lowe Disease Potential | Low Mowing Requirement | Low Fertilization Requirement
- Weaknesses: Shade and Salinity Tolerance | Weed Encroachment | Traffic Tolerance
- Best Grown: Recommended for West and Central Texas in both rural and urban environments
- Centipede Grass
- Strengths: Low Mowing and Fertilization Requirement | Low to Moderate Disease Potential
- Weaknesses: Cold, Shade, and Traffic Tolerance | High pH
- Best Grown: East Texas, not recommended for Central Texas
- Seashore Paspalum
- Strengths: Salinity, Shade and Traffic Tolerance
- Weaknesses: Cold Tolerance | High Disease Potential
- Best Grown: Coastal Regions of Texas, not recommended for Central Texas
- St. Augustine Grass
- Strengths: Shade and Drought Tolerance | Deep Rooting Potential | Rapid Establishment
- Weaknesses: Cold and Traffic Tolerance | Disease Potential | Cinch Bugs
- Best Grown: East and Coastal Regions of Texas, can be recommended for parts of Central Texas
- Zoysia Grass
- Strengths: Shade, Drought, Cold, and Traffic Tolerance | Low Fertilization Requirement
- Weaknesses: Thatch | Slow Recuperative Potential | Mower Blades Routinely Sharpened Due to Still Leaf Blade
- Best Grown: Majority of Texas – Recommended for Central Texas, especially in Urban Environments
- Bermuda
- Cool- Season Species
- Warm- Season Species
Bermudagrass Varieties, Hybrids and Blends for TexasÂ
Native Grassland Restoration Projects
Native Plant Identification and Information
- Deer Resistant Landscape Plants
- Ball Moss
- Water My Yard
- Nursery/ Floral Greenhouse Information
- Deer in the Landscape
Earth- Kind Landscaping:
- Landscape Water Conservation
- Reduction of Fertilizer and Pesticide Use
- Landscaping for Energy Conservation
- Reduction of Landscape Wastes Entering Landfills
- Planting a Tree
- Great Resource for Fruits | Vegetables | Landscaping | Viticulture & Enology