Helpful Gardening Resources

Publication CategoryPublication Title | Link
VegetablesVegetable Gardening in Containers
VegetablesWhat makes tomatoe leaves twist or curl?
VegetablesCole Crops
VegetablesFall Vegetable Varieties
VegetablesRecommended Vegetable Varieties for Hays County
VegetablesVegetable Planting Guide
VegetablesEasy Gardening: Okra
VegetablesEasy Gardening: Onions
VegetablesEasy Gardening: Cucumbers
VegetablesEasy Gardening: Dill
VegetablesEasy Gardening: Watering Your Vegetables
VegetablesEasy Gardening: Peppers
VegetablesTNG: Veggie Planting Calendar
VegetablesVegetable Seed Sources
SeedPlanting (Seeds, Transplanting)
SeedHome Germination Testing
SeedStarting Hard Seeds
SeedIt's Wildflower Planting Season
SeedSeed Collecting and Saving
SoilLandscape Mulch
SoilRaised Bed Construction
SoilSoil Preparation
SoilVermicomposting: Worm Composting
SoilImproving Landscape Soils
SoilSoil Sample Form 2024
Grass | TurfTurfgrass Selection for Texas
HerbsEasy Gardening: herbs for Texas Landscapes
Native | PollinationDeer in the Urban Landscape
Native | PollinationDeer in the Landscape
Native | PollinationBeneficials in the Garden
Native | PollinationNative Habitat
Native | PollinationAttracting Butterflies
Native | PollinationHummingbird Plants for Central Texas
Native | PollinationPollinators Poster
Pest | PathogensLandscape IPM
Pest | PathogensDisease Control
Pest | PathogensTexas Ice Damage and Oak Wilt
Pest | PathogensNatural Ingredients
Pest | PathogensCaterpillars
Pest | PathogensNatural Pesticides for Your Garden
Prep | MaintenanceFall Practices
Prep | MaintenanceComposting Leaves
Prep | MaintenanceGarden Tool Care & Maintenance
Prep | MaintenanceFrost and Freeze Protection
Prep | MaintenanceGuide to Diagnosis
Prep | Maintenance10 Ways to Make Your Landscape
WaterRainfall Harvesting
WaterWater Conservation
DroughtTree and Scrub Irrigation During a Drough
DroughtWater Efficient Practices for Saving Your Landscape
DroughtLawns Don't Waste Water, People Do!
DroughtLow Water Irrigation
DroughtLandscape Maintenance Practices Save Water
TreesPlanting a Tree
TreesTree Growing Guide
TreesTexas Tree Planting Guide

Earth Kind

Aggie Horticulture

Texas Superstar

Aggie Turf

Hays County Master Gardener Association

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